Thursday, July 23, 2015

How To Beat The Heat Indoors

It's Georgia in July and this heat is killin me y'all.

I hope you all laughed at that, I never EVER say y'all. It feels funny coming out of my mouth but I had to give it a try, ha! 

On to business. Today I had all 3 littles home since MD's daddy has been bringing her little brother to preschool early in the mornings and he was up late last night. He was just too wore out this morning and his meltdowns were just far too strong to get him out the door. 

In order to keep the peace when we're all home we have to stay busy! So that is just what we did; we finished up our breakfast, brushed our teeth and got dressed then headed to our kitchen table/art studio to paint a few masterpieces. 

I love to keep kid craft supplies in our home as it's something nearly every child loves and the cutting, folding, glueing and more are all great tools to focus on MD's little brother sensory issues and to improve his fine motor skills. 
Simple painting, painting with shaving cream, painting inside gallon sized ziplock baggies(NO MESS!) there are so many ways to entertain the kids when we are stuck indoors. Sometimes we forget to keep it simple and let them enjoy the little things like painting their palms and turning handprints into jellyfish or butterflies! What crafts do your littles enjoy most? 

I hope you all are enjoying the last stretch of summer. Our house only has 2 weeks until back to school!! 

Much Love


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