loves when we make her little countdowns to cross off or pull down days so she can keep track of how many days until an event takes place. We have done this other times her daddy has been away, when family comes to visit and when her baby sister was due. She feels like a big girl coming and telling us ONLY 5 DAYS UNTIL (EXCITING EVENT), rather than repeatedly asking how many days left! Don't judge our artistic abilities based off this countdown, ha! I was VERY pregnant, very sick and had bells palsy so I was not up to parr :) Do you have any traditions/crafts you love doing with your little ones? We're always looking for new fun projects to take on(because we aren't busy enough, hehe)!
Last night I got an email from Molly Van Kley. She is the amazingly talented photographer who we shot MD's portfolio photos with and I've been so anxious for her to send her shots! I was definitely not disappointed! It was the first time sweet Molly had ever shot a mini-model-to-be but you would think it's what she's spent her whole career doing! I am in love with the images and so excited to reach out to agencies! By the way, if you are aware of any great children's modeling agencies I would LOVE a heads up! Here are the images we received. You can also see more of Molly Van Kley's work at or on Facebook at

MD had to miss cheer this Wednesday as I have a stomach bug. I felt horrible since they were going over their competition score cards, making routine changes and having a little party! I can't wait to see what routine improvements they make! This is MD and her good friend on the day of cheer tryouts almost a year ago and then at MD's 1st competition. Her friend is a little bit older and on a youth 2 team while MD is on the mini team! Here is a cute pic of MD and their trophy! It cracks me up that the other girls look annoyed waiting for their turn to take a photo ;) She has been blessed with a great team of the most adorable and sweet teammates!
These picture's are insanely adorable!!! What a beauty. This photographer is fabulous!