You know, I'm late for just about everything and this post is no exception!
Haha, we had an extremely busy week and weekend! MD had her very first cheerleading competition this weekend. We headed down the night before since they had to be to the competition by 6:30am! We had a fun time grabbing some pizza with a few of the other families from MD's cheer team. The girls had so much fun together and it was adorable seeing my MD enjoying time with her friends. It made me more aware of just how grown up she is becoming. It is just amazing to see what a beautiful little person she is.
MD rode to the competition with a friend and the team mom! I stayed behind to pack the room and get the little ones ready to go! I was nervous letting little MD venture to her first big event without me but there is no way her little brother would have been up, ready and behaving by then! My best friend who I cheered with as a little girl made it here for MD's first competition and it just so happens we had our babies on the very same day! So we used our Ergo and Tula to wear the babies to the competition! Just as I suspected nerves set in for my diva girl and she started getting upset. She was nervous and so sad her daddy was missing her first competition. My sweet friend and her husband were nice enough to give MD a little extra attention and some hugs to cheer her up. Sometimes it's the littlest things that make you realize you have such kind people around you but the fact they shared their attention with MD means the world to me!
THE GIRLS NAILED THEIR ROUTINE!!! No dropped stunts, no one fell and everyone remembered the routine! I'm so proud of these crazy munchkins! The other teams looked a bit older than our team and after watching all the teams in their category perform I knew we weren't getting first but that they did very well! Especially since the other teams were bigger in size!

We were so pumped for the award ceremony! The girls went on at 8:28 and awards were at 10:45! We got to watch a lot of teams in that time frame including some specials teams. How amazing and adorable! I never even knew these existed! Much love to those teams and those who work with them! Finally, awards time came and MD's team placed SECOND! WOOHOO!!! 2nd at their very first competition, YAY! MD is so proud of her 2nd place medal she begged me to wear it to school, ha! The team moms put together some awesome goodie bags for the girls with monogrammed blankets, sleep masks, pillows with bows sewn on and lots of goodies! It came in a super cute bag with their gym logo on it!! So nice of them to put the effort in! Here is MD enjoying her goodies on the drive home from the competition, haha! She will hate me some day for sharing but it's way too adorable and funny!
We should be getting MD's daddy back this weekend and we are so so excited! I plan on super cleaning the house (not that he notices I scrubbed the baseboards lol) and maybe getting a new bed set and a couple new frames for our bedroom!
Don't forget to check out a few of MD's looks from the past week on Diva's Daily Garb!
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