Let me share with you a little quote from my pretty little sour patch kid. Today she gets in the car as I'm picking her up from school and tells me, " We had a substitute teacher today and she SAID she was a real teacher but I don't believe her. She was actin a fool."
First of all, what is this "actin a fool"?!?! Where did my child learn this, haha! We are from the far north...NOBODY says actin a fool in our house. Secondly, while I found this hilarious I had to remind her the teacher was their to do a job and she needed to respect her for it. OH LORD does this child remind me daily of the struggles I put my own parents through.
Anyways, ...
Well, we have some exciting news! Molly Van Kley from MVKPHOTO made us aware of an agency
that was looking to start taking on a small selection of children. We decided to do MD's portfolio photos and submit them to the agency. Miss MD has a meeting on the 21st with the modeling agency to sign paperwork! We are so excited they are wanting to bring MD on! She is so happy and pumped about it! We cannot thank MVKPhotography enough for helping us get this adventure started!
...And More exciting news...
Miss MD and her baby sister, who from now on will be referred to as BD(baby diva) will be testing out and reviewing products for you all! We have 4 different shops sending us items as of now and cannot wait to let all of you know our thoughts! If you have a shop and are interested in MD or BD or their brother trying out your goods feel free to contact us!
Less exciting news...
School is in full swing for me. I have midterm papers due this weekend and am submitting my first photography class images. LET ME JUST SAY, I AM NOT A PHOTOGRAPHER! I am taking a photography class for my Graphic Communications class but am excited about learning and hopefully being able to take my own fun photos of my children and my fur babies! Here are some of my photos of BD for class! The first is my favorite of her!
Wednesday's are our busy days! Me and BD left to pick MD up from school, we all raced home so MD could change and grab a snack and off to cheer we went! I headed to target to do some baby shower shopping (EEEEK, I love babies!)! The baby shower, this Sunday, is a tea party that two of my friends are hosting and I cannot wait to see all the beauty and excitement of this shower! I am pretty sure MD will be attending with me so I will be sure to share her tea party attire with everyone!
Friday we get to meet with an extremely talented local clothing designer about MD's Pageant dress and costume! Her sketches of designs for MD are amazing and I am so anxious to see how it all turns out! March is going to be here before we know it, I better get MD practicing her pageant routine! Here is MD getting her beauty rest in preps for it! A diva needs her sleep, ya know!
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