I let MD's little brother go to visit family without me for a week and a half! He's 4 and misses his grandma, auntie and cousins and was SO excited about his trip. I was devastated the minute he left, ha!
My uncle drives truck cross country and just so happen to be in our area and asked if they could steal him for the trip back home to see family. I was so nervous about him riding in a semi for a few days but it was probably the highlight of his life so far. Seriously, he sounded more excited about this than Disney. He had so much fun and of course collected rocks for his collection along the way.
He had an amazing time at home. He was so busy playing in fact he hardly had time for me when I'd call. My family has a lot of land in Northern Minnesota so he was free to play and loved being outside so much. They carved pumpkins, rode the razor, he dressed up for hockey (ha, thanks uncle corey), jumping on the trampoline, jumped on the bed like any kid at grandma's house would do, and had a special lunch out to eat with his PaPa and Uncle Dylan. I'm so happy he had this special time with our family. And to be honest....the last week and a half was a lot easier on me. I missed him so much but for some reason 2 is just SO much easier than 3!
I was beyond ready for him to get home last night! My mom was coming for a visit and just flew him home with her. I think MD was even more excited than I was! It was so adorable to see my always fighting littles scream how much they missed each other and how happy she was to have him home!